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about us

  • 2002

    Launching agriculture department

  • 2003

    Launching medical department

  • 2005

    Launching water & waste water treatment department

  • 2005

    Launching food & beverage department

    Lebanon & MENA region
  • 2007

    Launching Agriculture department

    MENA region
  • 2008

    Launching pulp & paper and petroleum division

    MENA region
  • 2011

    Launching new patented product for agriculture product and pulp & paper product

  • 2014

    Launching of Dagher Holding operated in the Middle East and North Africa

  • 2015

    Launching animal health division in Lebanon & MENA Region and our chemical products in India, Eastern Europe, Africa & Middle East Market

  • 2016

    Launching our chemical products

    Eastern Europe, UK and France
  • 2017

    Launching Agriculture & Animal Health & Crop Protection Divisions

  • 2018

    Launching Animal Health Division

  • 2019

    Launching Animal Health Division

  • 2020

    Launching our Animal Health , Water & Waste Water Treatment and Food & Beverage Divisions

    Greece , Europe